Social Disability Lawyer Blog

Stay up to date with the latest news in the world of social disability law provided by the Los Angeles based Law Office of Irene Ruzin.

December Social Security to arrive in Two Days

December Social Security to arrive in Two Days 2022

Now is the ideal time to make sense of how the planning of these installments functions. Everyone should check their mailbox over the next few months for a specific letter about how their Social Security benefits will increase in 2023. Also stay tuned in for our articles about SSDI and SSI amount in 2023. It ought to be delivered to everyone i...

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  1944 Hits

Can You Receive a Disability Freeze Despite Not Receiving Disability Benefits

Can You Receive a Disability Freeze Despite Not Receiving Disability Benefits

Despite years of low or no earnings, the disability freeze may prevent your Social Security disability or retirement benefits from being reduced. Disability causes a person to always have gaps in their employment history or times when they made less money because of their illness. This can reduce your disability or retirement benefits or even rende...

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  1297 Hits

Qualifying for SSDI for Knee Replacement

Qualifying for SSDI for Knee Replacement

In the United States, around 700,000 knee replacements are performed each year, by Orthopedic surgeons, with the vast majority of them being successful. During partial or total knee replacement surgery, plastic and metal parts replace damaged tissues and bone in the knee joint. Depending on the severity of the injury, recovery time might range from...

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  1063 Hits

Which Medical Conditions Qualify for TERI?

Which Medical Conditions Qualify for TERI?

 Claimants suffering from terminal diseases have a greater likelihood of receiving Social Security Disability benefits than others. When a terminally ill person applies for SSDI or SSI disability benefits, the Social Security Administration will process the application as quickly as possible while taking the patient's mental state into account...

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  1272 Hits

Everything You Need to Know About Social Security Compassionate Allowance Programme

Everything You Need to Know About Social Security Compassionate Allowance Programme

The Compassionate Allowance List allows for accelerated clearance for certain significant and easily proven ailments. In response to complaints about long delays in getting disability decisions, the Social Security Administration (SSA) now offers a Compassionate Allowances programme for disabled employees who have filed for Social Security disabili...

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  1403 Hits

Onset Day or AOD for SSDI

Onset Day or AOD for SSDI

The "alleged start date" decides when you become eligible for disability payments and how far back you will be paid. If you were handicapped before applying for SSDI, you may get retroactive benefits for up to 12 months from the day you applied. To be eligible for a full year of backpay, you must have been handicapped for at least 17 months prior t...

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  607 Hits

Can You Receive Disability Benefits if You Have Chronic GERD?

Can You Receive Disability Benefits if I Have Chronic GERD?

Acid peptic disease, sometimes known as APD, is a series of illnesses. Acid and peptic activity in stomach secretions cause all of these illnesses. APD occurs when stomach acid irritates the inner cells (mucosal layer). In acid peptic diseases, the oesophagus, stomach, and duodenum are the most commonly afflicted organs. What exactly causes acid pe...

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  1592 Hits

Do You Have to Be a US Citizen to Get Social Security Disability?

Acceptable Proofs of Citizenship for SSDI Benefits If You Live Abroad

To be eligible for Social Security disability insurance (SSDI), you must earn less than a certain amount per month (or be considered capable of doing substantial gainful activity), have paid FICA taxes to the Social Security Administration for a certain number of years (usually at least five to ten years), and meet certain citizenship or lawful res...

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  748 Hits

Ways to Qualify for Disability Benefits for Breast Cancer

Ways to Qualify for Disability Benefits for Breast Cancer

When you have breast cancer, you might be judged medically qualified for SSDI or SSI disability benefits in three ways. Breast cancer will be the most common cancer in the world by 2021. In the United States, approximately 264,000 cases of breast cancer are diagnosed in women each year, with 2,400 cases reported in men. When breast cancer is diagno...

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  1188 Hits

How Much is the Social Security COLA 2022? | Updates for 2023

How Much is the Social Security COLA 2022? | Updates for 2023

More than 70 million Americans who receive Social Security payments should anticipate the highest inflation increase to their monthly checks in four decades next year. Disability claimants get a slight cost-of-living adjustment to their Social Security disability insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) disability benefits every year....

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  1214 Hits

How to Qualify for SSDI Benefits for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)

How to Qualify for Disability for ALS?

When diagnosed with ALS, you become immediately eligible for disability benefits and Medicare. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a fatal motor neuron disease. It is distinguished by progressive nerve cell degeneration in the spinal cord and brain. It's also known as Lou Gehrig's disease, after the renowned baseball player who died as a result ...

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  830 Hits

Social Security Disability Work Credits

Social Security Disability Work Credits

To be eligible for SSDI, you must pass a recent work test and a duration of employment test. People over the age of 18 who meet the medical criteria for disability and have earned the required number of work credits in the required amount of time are eligible to receive monthly Social Security Disability (SSD) payments from the Social Security Admi...

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  528 Hits

California Short-Term Disability Benefits

California Short-Term Disability Benefits

Through payroll deductions, the state of California requires all employees to contribute to its short-term disability insurance (SDI) program. At the point when representatives become unfit to work because of incapacity, they can gather week by week profits by the program until they are either all set back to work or the advantages terminate. The E...

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  1209 Hits

Disability Symptoms for Hepatic Encephalopathy

SSDI for Hepatic Encephalopathy

According to the American Liver Foundation, more than 30 million Americans suffer some form of liver disease. Medical qualifying for disability is "automatic" when a disease is chronic or advanced, including cases needing a liver transplant, albeit you must still make an application and present medical documents to support your claim. Disability Sy...

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  672 Hits

How are Social Security Disability Benefits Taxed

How are Social Security Disability Benefits Taxed

Social Security disability is taxed, although most recipients do not pay taxes on it. Social Security disability benefits (SSDI) are taxable, but most disability applicants do not pay them since they have little other income. However, around one-third of Social Security disability recipients pay taxes, primarily as a consequence of their spouse's o...

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  1154 Hits

SSDI Benefits for Ataxia-telangiectasia​

SSDI Benefits for Ataxia-telangiectasia​

SSDI Benefits for Ataxia-telangiectasia​Millions more Social Security Disability petitions will be received by the Social Security Administration this year. At the first stage of the application procedure, only 30% of these claims will be approved. If they want to be considered for disability benefits in the future, the remaining 70% of applic...

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  808 Hits

Hereditary Telangiectasia Disability Case SSDI Benefits

Hereditary Telangiectasia Disability Case SSDI Benefits

Genetic Telangiectasia (also known as Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia, HHT, Osler-Weber-Rendu syndrome, and Osler-Weber-Rendu sickness) is a hereditary ailment in which the development of defective blood vessels increases. Excess blood vessels can develop in the skin, mucosal membranes, and even organs. The organs listed below are commonly af...

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  881 Hits

Deep Vein Thrombosis and Disability Benefits

Deep Vein Thrombosis and Disability Benefits

Thrombosis and Disability Benefits DVT is caused by a thrombus, or blood clot, forming deep within your veins, most usually in your legs. When a clot develops, it inhibits blood flow to the affected location, resulting in pain or swelling. DVTs are particularly dangerous because the clot may detach and lodge in other parts of your body, causing an ...

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  1229 Hits

How to Get SSDI Benefits for Breast Cancer?

How to Get SSDI Benefits for Breast Cancer?

To be eligible for SSDI or SSI due to breast cancer, you must be unable to work and your cancer must have lasted a year or longer – or be projected to last a year or more. Breast cancer affects one out of every eight women throughout her lifetime. Two-thirds of breast cancer patients are above the age of 55. The majority of the others are between t...

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  1135 Hits

SSDI for Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) for Veterans

SSDI for Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) for Veterans

A disabled veteran with lasting physical and mental impairments from a severe TBI may be eligible for Social Security disability benefits. Veterans with brain injuries or related illnesses that resulted from military service have more chances of getting disability compensation, often within a 100 days of applying for disabi...

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  5724 Hits