Social Disability Lawyer Blog

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Deep Vein Thrombosis and Disability Benefits

Deep Vein Thrombosis and Disability Benefits

Thrombosis and Disability Benefits DVT is caused by a thrombus, or blood clot, forming deep within your veins, most usually in your legs. When a clot develops, it inhibits blood flow to the affected location, resulting in pain or swelling. DVTs are particularly dangerous because the clot may detach and lodge in other parts of your body, causing an ...

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How Disabling is a Blood Clot? | SSDI Benefits for Blood Clots

What symptoms must I have to be considered for SSDI Benefits for Blood Clots?

Any blood vessel in the body can develop clots. The formation of microscopic clots in the tiniest vessels closest to the skin's surface rarely results in significant health problems and typically requires little to no medical attention; However, those that form in the body's larger and deeper veins may be linked to or cause extremely serious health...

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