Social Disability Lawyer Blog

Stay up to date with the latest news in the world of social disability law provided by the Los Angeles based Law Office of Irene Ruzin.

What Does it Mean to Appeal a SSD Denial?

Many people who have their Social Security Disability claims denied are aware that there is an appeals process. However, there is sometimes confusion about exactly what it means to appeal. A Los Angeles disability benefits attorney can provide insight into what it means to appeal your benefits denial and can guide you through the process so you sho...

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  2756 Hits

Everything You Need to Know About the Social Security Blue Book

When you are applying for Social Security Disability benefits, it's confusing to determine whether you'll be  eligible to receive benefits or not. There are a few different factors that determine your eligibility, including whether or not your disabling condition is listed in something called the "Blue Book." Understanding the Social Security ...

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  2948 Hits

What is a Disability Claims Examiner?

​The application process for Social Security Disability benefits can be confusing, which is why it is important to hire a Los Angeles disability benefits lawyer to assist you with the process.   To help make the process easier, it's helpful to understand what criteria are evaluated and who is responsible for determining if you'll be eligi...

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  2793 Hits

Why is It So Hard to Get Social Security Disability Benefits?

Social Security Disability benefits are supposed to provide for you if you're too sick or hurt to work, but actually getting benefits can be very difficult. In fact, more than half of all applications are denied and you'll likely need to work with a Los Angeles disability benefits lawyer to help you fight for benefits if you apply.  ​Why is it...

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  3541 Hits

What is an Administrative Law Judge?

​The majority of disability benefits claims are denied. Unfortunately, this means that if you apply for Social Security Disability benefits, there is a good chance that you are going to have to go through the appeals process. If you do, a Los Angeles disability benefits lawyer can help you.  There are multiple steps in the appeals process, inc...

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  2522 Hits

Can I Get Social Security if I Have Metastatic Cancer?

A diagnosis of metastatic cancer often means that you have serious health issues that will make it difficult or impossible for you to work. The condition is also likely to be a long-term one or a terminal one.  You do not want to be worried about supporting yourself and supporting your family when you should be focused on your health...

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  3415 Hits

Can I Get Social Security Disability for Mental Illness?

Social Security Disability benefits provide for you when you're too sick or injured to work. Physical illness is not the only type of illness that could prevent you from holding a job. If you suffer from a serious mental illness, this can also prevent you from working.  Because mental illnesses can be disabling, the Social Security Administrat...

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  2663 Hits

Your Biggest Social Security Disability Questions Answered

​Social Security Disability is an important program that provides benefits if you're too disabled to work. Unfortunately, many people do not understand how the Social Security Disability benefits program works. If you're confused about how the program works, you could miss out on important benefits that you need. A Los Angeles disability benefits l...

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  2494 Hits

3 Common Mistakes When Applying for Disability Benefits

Applying for disability benefits from the Social Security Administration can be a frustrating and stressful experience, especially as most applications for benefits are initially denied.  Unfortunately, many applicants inadvertently make mistakes during the application process that make the process take longer or that reduce the chances of get...

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  3119 Hits

Can I Appeal a Social Security Disability Denial?

​When you are relying on Social Security Disability (SSD) to provide income because you cannot work, it can be very frustrating and worrisome to receive notice from the Social Security Administration (SSA) that your claim for disability benefits has been denied. Unfortunately, more than half of all applicants who apply for benefits will initially&n...

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  2564 Hits

What Should I Do If I Need Social Security Disability?

If a disabling condition prevents you from earning a living and you need Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits, you should be prepared to go through a difficult process of applying for benefits. While the Social Security Administration provides monthly income to eligible disabled individuals who cannot work, a high denial rate for disabili...

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  2617 Hits

Can I get Social Security Disability for a Short-Term Disability?

Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits are an important source of income for people whose medical conditions prevent them from working at any job for which they are qualified.  However, while SSD benefits are a lifeline for many who cannot work, these benefits do not provide coverage for all people in all circumstances. Anyone who...

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  2749 Hits