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SSDI for Spinal Stenosis for People Over 50

SSDI Benefits for Spinal Stenosis
Spinal Stenosis SSDI

Spinal stenosis is a narrowing of the gaps within the spine that leads to pressure on the spinal cord or nerve roots. Symptoms of spinal stenosis range from no symptoms to discomfort in the back or neck, as well as numbness, tingling, and weakness in the arms and/or legs.

While spinal stenosis is not a dangerous ailment in its early stages, it can cause significant and irreversible damage if it progresses or goes untreated.

SSDI for Spinal Stenosis for People Over 50

The most prevalent cause of spinal stenosis is osteoarthritis, which is caused by the cumulative wear and tear of your joints over time. Spinal stenosis is widespread because osteoarthritis causes alterations in the spines of most people by the age of 50. As a result, the majority of persons who develop symptoms of spinal stenosis are above the age of 50. You may be eligible to receive $3,345 each month.

Other disorders or events, in addition to osteoarthritis, can induce spinal stenosis:

- Spinal canal gets narrowed
- Spinal cord injury
- Tumor of the spine
- Some bone disorders
- Spine surgery in the past
- Rheumatoid Arthritis

The Social Security Administration is aware of the fact that spinal stenosis in some patients can be disabling to the point of an inability to continue work under daily functioning. A patient with severe spinal stenosis may become permanently crippled. This might be due to paralysis or significant weakness that makes standing and moving as normal impossible. It is realistic to expect severe stenosis to confine a person to a wheelchair.

Signs, Symptoms and Treatment Options for Spinal Stenosis and Disability 

Patients with lumbar spinal stenosis may have difficulty walking long distances or may need to bend forward to ease pressure on their lower back. They may also have leg discomfort or numbness. In more extreme situations, such people may struggle to regulate their bowel and bladder. Although there is no cure for lumbar spinal stenosis, there are several therapy options.

Fortunately, the SSA has a huge list of symptoms related to spinal stenosis in the Blue Book of Impairments. You could qualify for disability by directly or passively meeting the following symptoms:

Symptoms that Qualify for SSDI for Spinal Stenosis

Initially, lumbar spinal stenosis may be asymptomatic. Symptoms appear gradually in the majority of persons. Symptoms could include:
- Back discomfort
- Burning sensation in the buttocks and down the legs (sciatica)
- Leg numbness, tingling, cramping, or weakness
- Sensation loss in the feet
- A foot weakness that causes the foot to smack down when walking ("foot drop")
- Sexual dysfunction

Some more severe symptoms may include:

- bowel or bladder control problems
- Numbness in your legs, inner thighs, and back of your legs that is severe or worsening
- Severe pain and weakness that affects one or both legs. This makes walking or getting out of a chair difficult.

Treatment and Disability: Spinal stenosis can be treated in a variety of ways. Your doctor will decide which treatment is appropriate for your particular illness and symptoms. Among the therapy possibilities are:
- Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications
- Medication for nerve pain
- Physical activity
- Surgery and physical therapy

You should seek medical attention if you are unable to conduct ordinary daily duties or if you are unable to work and earn a livelihood due to spinal stenosis. You will require supporting medical documentation when applying for disability compensation.

Getting Benefits for Spinal Stenosis

Section 1.00 is for Musculoskeletal Ailments, which are skeletal spine disorders that damage a nerve root. Listing 1.16 is for Lumbar Spinal Stenosis with Cauda Equina Compromise.

To be eligible for the Blue Book listing, you must have a diagnosis of spinal stenosis and demonstrate that the condition causes chronic pain and weakness that does not radiate from a nerve and seriously interferes with your ability to walk and necessitates the use of a walking device that requires the use of both arms, or that causes the inability to walk at a reasonable pace or on uneven terrain.

A doctor will also be required to assist you with your claim by supporting it and confirming the degree of your condition. Copies of your medical documents, including imaging reports that corroborate the diagnosis, will be required. Your disability examiner may request the following medical tests to ensure that your condition is indeed 'severe' enough to prevent you from working under substantial gainful activity (SGA)

  • X-rays of your lumbar spine. These may show bone growths called spurs that push on spinal nerves and/or narrowing of the spinal canal.
  • Imaging tests. A CT scan or MRI scan can give a more detailed look at the spinal canal and nerve structures.
  • Other studies. Your healthcare provider might order a bone scan, myelogram (a CT taken after injecting dye), and EMG (an electrical test of muscle activity).

**Most benefits are denied at the first application due to insufficient information or wrong representation of your diagnosis. Do not let this happen to you. Hire an expert disability attorney to help you navigate through the complicated process of applying for disability benefits for spinal stenosis and earn the benefits you rightfully deserve.

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