Social Disability Lawyer Blog

Stay up to date with the latest news in the world of social disability law provided by the Los Angeles based Law Office of Irene Ruzin.

Why Hiring a Disability Attorney is Crucial to Winning Your Disability Case

Why Hiring a Disability Attorney is Crucial to Winning Your Disability Case

It is vital to get the services of a disability attorney for your disability hearing because a Social Security Disability attorney will be able to speak with the experts and persuade them that you are eligible to disability payments.An SSD benefits attorney is also knowledgeable about the ALJ and the procedures necessary to win your disab...

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  801 Hits

5 Ways a Social Security Disability Attorney can Help You Win Your Disability Case

5 Ways a Social Security Disability Attorney can Help You Win Your Disability Case

If you are unable to earn a living because of a disability and are going through a difficult stage of your life, then applying for social security disability benefits can provide you the financial support and assistance you need. The Social Security Administration (SSA) provides financial assistance to eligible people with disability to help them l...

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  1201 Hits

Qualifying for Cardiomyopathy for SSDI Benefits

Qualifying for  Cardiomyopathy for SSDI Benefits

You may qualify for SSDI benefits if you have Cardiomyopathy Heart Condition including ischemic, dilated, hypertrophic, and limited cardiomyopathy, all of which may qualify for disability if severe. Cardiomyopathy is frequently caused by viral infections in the heart. Cardiomyopathy can be caused by another illness or its treatment in rare situatio...

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  1540 Hits

When Drugs or Alcohol Can Prevent You From Receiving Disability Benefits

When Drugs or Alcohol Can Prevent You From Receiving Disability Benefits

When your disabilities might disappear if you quit drinking or taking drugs, Social Security may refuse you disability compensation.Many disability applicants ("claimants") have one of two common misconceptions about how the Social Security Administration (SSA) regards drug and alcohol abuse:- You can get disability based only on a drug or alcohol ...

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  1227 Hits

SSDI Benefits for Down's Syndrome

SSDI Benefits for Down's Syndrome

If you or a loved one has non-Mosaic Down syndrome, you may be eligible for financial assistance from the Social Security Administration (SSA). Individuals diagnosed with non-Mosaic Down syndrome and other congenital diseases that may prevent them from obtaining and keeping work are eligible for disability payments from the Social Security Administ...

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  861 Hits

SSDI Benefits for Congenital Heart Disease

SSDI Benefits for Congenital Heart Disease

The human heart, which is almost entirely composed of muscle tissue, serves largely as a pump. When oxygen-depleted blood (blood that has previously delivered oxygen) returns to the heart, it is re-oxygenated in the lungs. To complete the oxygen delivery process, the blood returns to the heart (through the pulmonary veins) and is pumped out to the ...

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  785 Hits

Filing for Chronic Vein Insufficiency with Social Security Administration

Filing for Chronic Vein Insufficiency with Social Security Administration

It may be somewhat difficult to qualify for Social Security Disability Benefits if you have Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) alone. However, your disability case may get stronger if your DVT is assisted with a condition called Chronic Veinous Insufficiency (CVI). Chronic venous insufficiency occurs when the veins in your legs block the flow of blood back...

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  1175 Hits

Appealing for a Cessation of Disability Benefits

Appealing for a Cessation of Disability Benefits

If the Social Security Administration judges that you are no longer eligible for Social Security Disability benefits (SSDI or SSI), they can issue a "Cessation of Disability Benefits," which means that your disability payments will be stoppedThe cause for the termination of your benefits frequently influences your right to appeal the decision; none...

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  1245 Hits

SSDI for Arthritis of the Neck (Spinal)

SSDI for Arthritis of the Spine

The Blue Book contains four listings that pertain to arthritis and its associated impairments, namely Listings 1.02, 1.03, 1.04, and 14.09. If your arthritis has led to significant joint dysfunction in your spine, you may automatically qualify for disability benefits under  Listing 1.02 by demonstrating that you have a joint deformity resultin...

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  572 Hits

Denied Disability Benefits for Cancer

Denied Disability Benefits for Cancer

Cancer appears in a range of forms and sizes, depending on the severity of the disease. You may have applied for Social Security benefits to compensate for lost income and rapidly rising medical costs as a result of a severe form of cancer. Much to your dismay, the Social Security Administration (SSA) denied disability benefits for you, leaving you...

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  943 Hits

Working Through an SSDI Application for Cancer

Working Through an SSDI Application for Cancer

Cancer is a group of diseases that are distinguished by normal cell growth and the potential to spread to or invade other parts of the body. Cancer may spread to nearly any part of the body, including the breasts, prostate, skin, intestines, bones, and lungs. Cancer is a grouping of 100 different diseases. The National Cancer Institute estimates 43...

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  462 Hits

SSDI for Congestive Heart Failure

SSDI for Congestive Heart Failure

Social Security disability benefits may be available to you if you have a serious heart condition that prevents you from working full-time. A few cardiovascular conditions, like Heart Failure, coronary artery disease, repetitive arrhythmias, and heart transfers, may naturally qualify you for disability benefits through Social Security "Blue Book" P...

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  671 Hits

Social Security Bonus Secret

Social Security Bonus Secret

 Let's get one thing out of the way right away: there is no such thing as a "bonus" for Social Security. However, you are certain to be able to increase the amount of your retirement benefits by taking certain actions. It can be essential to have good Social Security to have a thorough understanding of the options available for retirement in t...

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  7005 Hits

5 Things Every Women Should Know About Social Security

5 Things Every Women Should Know About Social Security

By providing benefits and financial protection to millions of people throughout their lives, Social Security has contributed to the security of today and tomorrow for more than 85 years. Women live longer on average than men. The typical woman in a traditional couple is approximately two years younger than her partner. Consequently, roughly 90% of ...

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  1167 Hits

SSDI Cases and Retroactive Payments

SSDI Cases and Retroactive Payments

Retroactive payments cover the time you were disabled but did not apply for benefits. This might be because you didn't realize you qualified or because you haven't had a chance to start the application yet.Payments Made Retroactively in SSI CasesSupplemental Security Income payments are not made retroactively (SSI). Individuals who are approved for...

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  1460 Hits

Why Can't I Get Emergency Disability Payments From Social Security?

Why Can't I Get Emergency Disability Payments From Social Security?

Only in extremely exceptional emergency situations can Social Security give hardship payments to disability applicants. If you have a clearly crippling impairment and Social Security agrees that your claim has a high possibility of being granted, the SSA may issue you presumptive disability (PD) or presumptive blindness (PB) payments (if you are bl...

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  1057 Hits

How to Apply for SSDI With Hemophilia Medically

How to Apply for SSDI With Hemophilia Medically

Hemophilia diseases are genetic illnesses that impair the body's capacity to cause blood clotting and coagulation, which are processes that halt bleeding when blood arteries are ruptured. Because haemophiliacs have a difficult difficulty stopping bleeding once it begins, they must exercise caution in circumstances where they may be cut. Those with ...

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  651 Hits

SSDI for Systemic Vasculitis

Vasculitis is a term used to describe a collection of diseases that cause inflammation in your blood vessels. It is sometimes referred to as angiitis or arteritis. It might make your blood vessels weak, stretched, bigger, or smaller. They could fully close. Vasculitis may affect anyone at any age. Some cancers cause damage to blood arteries that tr...

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  1814 Hits

The 5 Month Waiting Period for Compassionate Allowance

The 5 Month Waiting Period for Compassionate Allowance

You may have to wait up to five months after your application is approved for Social Security disability benefits before getting compensation. However, in rare cases, a Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) applicant may not be able to wait that long. In some situations, an applicant may be eligible for a compassionate allowance. The SSDI wil...

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  1926 Hits

Adrenal Gland Problems and Social Security Benefits

Adrenal Gland Issues and Your Social Security Disability Benefits Case

Numerous symptoms that can have a significant impact on a person's quality of life can be caused by adrenal gland disorders. It can be impossible for people with the condition to continue working full-time because these symptoms can make even the simplest everyday tasks impossible. The situation works because of the income loss and lack of medical ...

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  809 Hits