Social Disability Lawyer Blog

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What are the Chances of Disability Application Reconsideration?

What are the Chances of Disability Application Reconsideration?

If you applied for Social Security Disability and were initially denied, you probably want to know what your chances are of getting approved at the reconsideration stage. When you proceed to an appeal, a number of factors are taken into consideration. The majority of claims are initially denied.

Each case is unique, and its outcome is determined by the severity of medical conditions. Your chances of being supported for disability benefits for the most part further develop fairly on the re-examination level.

It's not uncommon for your claim to be initially denied. you shouldn't surrender. Make an appeal instead to have your benefits claim reconsidered. You will not have to start the claims process over, and your chances of receiving a quicker approval will increase as a result. Just keep in mind that filing a disability claim takes a long time and is complicated. A person's application for monthly disability benefits typically takes more than a year.

Probabilities of Acceptance at the Reconsideration Level

The Social Security Administration (SSA) states that benefits are denied in 85 percent of reconsiderations. After you file an appeal requesting that they reconsider your claim, you reach the reconsideration level. More than half of all claims nationwide are approved once they reach the hearing stage. The probability of receiving benefits rises to approximately 60% when a claimant is represented by an advocate or attorney. Several factors effect the likelihood of receiving benefits at the reconsideration level.

  • - Do you have evidence that your condition has gotten worse over time?
  • - When you submitted your appeal paperwork, did you provide the SSA with any additional evidence?
  • - Have you called the disability examiner to let him or her know about any recent medical appointments?
  • - Did you attend any scheduled consultative medical examinations and comply with all of the requests made by Disability Determination Services?

Keep accurate records of all of your medical appointments, procedures, and even prescriptions. You really want documentation to help your case and show what you are meant for by your medical conditions.

You might be able to win your claim at the Reconsideration Stage with the following few additional piece of information: 

You can check if you have won your disability claim by checking a few signs here.

How Can you Increase your Chances of Claim Being Accepted?

Continue receiving medical care and inform Disability Determination Services of any new medical visits and procedures are the best ways to increase your chances of receiving disability benefits. Make sure you tell Disability Determination Services about your situation and send copies of your medical reports to the right person at the Social Security Administration. You can also significantly increase your chances of approval by enlisting the assistance of a disability advocate or attorney.

If you have applied for disability benefits, you should meet with an expert disability advocate or lawyer who specializes in disability reconsideration appeals to ensure that your application is on the right track and to significantly increase your chances of getting approved. 

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