Social Disability Lawyer Blog

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Social Security Disability for Inflammatory Arthritis Disorder

Social Security Disability for Inflammatory Arthritis Disorder

Inflammatory arthritis is a collective term used for the inflammation of the joints. Factors behind the onset of arthritis may include a variety of factors such as age, injury, excessive wear and tear, obesity, and infections.

Rheumatoid Arthritis vs Inflammatory Arthritis as a Disability

Understanding how joints work help us understand how arthritis works. Hence, the arthritis is the deformation of the bones tissue where two bones are joined through a semi-soft tissue i.e., ligaments and cartilage is where the cushioning is provide to the body. These joints are enclosed by a joint capsule. When the cartilage becomes worn out, it causes damage to the surface of the bone enclosed. As a result this causes irritation, swelling and pain. While most cases of inflammatory arthritis include painful irritation of these joints, rheumatoid arthritis is a type of inflammatory arthritis as a result of the body's own immune system attacking the joints.

Other types of inflammatory arthritis include lupus arthritis, gout, osteoarthritis, arthritis after injury, arthritis of the thyroid, etc. Rheumatoid arthritis impacts smaller joints in the body such as hands and feet. On the other hand, other types of inflammatory arthritis may attack larger joints such as hips, elbows, knees, shoulders, etc. Some common symptoms of inflammatory arthritis that may increase the chances for qualifying social security disability include:

  • -Stiffness
  • -Swelling
  • -Loss of motion
  • -Joint pain
  • -Redness of the joints

Treatment for Inflammatory Arthritis and How It May Help Qualify for SSDI

Inflammatory arthritis may often times be associated with other conditions such as:

  • -Lyme disease
  • -Inflammatory bowel disease
  • -Whipple's disease
  • -Psoriatic arthritis
  • -Crystal deposition disorders such as gout and pseudo gout
  • -Rheumatoid arthritis
  • -Sjogren's dunrome
  • -Behcet's disease
  • -Ankylosing spondylitis
  • -Reiter's syndrome

Inflammatory arthritis conditions are very common in the US. Which is why some of them are also listed in the Social Security Administration's Blue Book of Impairments. Hence, in order to qualify for SSDI, you must be able to prove to the Social Security Administration that your condition is indeed permanent and 'disabling enough'. So, if you want to file for disability benefits for your arthritis, you must meet the diagnostic criteria set by the disability administration. Your disability examiner will analyze whether your arthritis is 'disabling' enough to grant you disability benefits. This may include some or all of the following:

  • -Inflammatory arthritis in one of your leg joints making you unable to walk and other such as shopping, self care, personal hygiene, etc;
  • -Ongoing inflammation or pain/discomfort in one or both of weight-bearing joints such as legs or arms making it unable for you to perform small and large tasks such as lifting, pushing or pulling;
  • -Inflammatory arthritis that impacted at least two of your major organs, rendering extreme fatigue, malaise or other serious side effects;
  • -Arthritis inflammation of the spine, making it difficult for you to move or cause serious disruption with atleast two of your body's major functions;
  • -Inflammatory arthritis that flares up frequently and impacts your ability to perform basic functions or tasks such as fever, malaise, fatigue, etc.

Depending on the type of your inflammatory arthritis, diagnosis may involve lab tests of the blood, urine, joint fluids, and other imaging techniques such as X-ray, CT scan, ultrasound, arthroscopy and MRI, etc.

Your SSDI Case For Inflammatory Arthritis

If you have been impacted by any type of inflammatory arthritis involving any or all of the above symptoms, then your diagnosis may be enough to qualify you for SSDI. However, in some cases, there may be exceptions if you do not meet the requirements under Section 14.09. In such cases, your disability examiner may require further proves such as doctor's statements, caretaker testimonials, lab reports, employer testimonials, colleague's statements, etc, in order to qualify you for disability benefits.

However, if the smaller details in your case are not handled correctly, it may cost you both lost time and opportunity to earn disability benefits. Hence, it must not be left to unprofessional. At Law Office or Irene Ruzin, we strive to obtain all the necessary documents and work with you and your medical team to help you earn your rightful disability benefits.

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