By Social Disability Lawyer on Thursday, 21 June 2018
Category: Uncategorized

What Does it Mean to Appeal a SSD Denial?

Many people who have their Social Security Disability claims denied are aware that there is an appeals process. However, there is sometimes confusion about exactly what it means to appeal. A Los Angeles disability benefits attorney can provide insight into what it means to appeal your benefits denial and can guide you through the process so you should contact an attorney as soon as your claim for benefits is denied by the Social Security Administration. 

​What Does it Mean to Appeal a Social Security Disability Benefits Denial?

​When you appeal a Social Security Disability benefits denial, the appeals process involves trying to get an original unfavorable decision overturned. It is an alternative to simply accepting that you will not get benefits or to waiting and trying to submit an original claim again. You are asking for the Administration to change the decision they made on the application that you submitted.

There are different steps in the process so you have many chances to try to get the Social Security Administration to change its position that you are not severely disabled enough to apply for benefits. The first step simply involves submitting paperwork to ask for a different disability claims examiner employed by the Social Security Administration to review your materials and potentially come to a different decision. However, as the appeals process moves forward, you will actually get a chance to have a hearing and to present your arguments to an administrative law judge. This can give you a good opportunity to show why you are actually deserving of benefits. 

A Los Angeles disability benefits lawyer can provide assistance with the appeals process so you can take the right steps at each phase of appeals. The goal is always to get a favorable decision as quickly as possible without having to go through tons of different stages of appeal, so you should get an attorney involved ASAP to strengthen your legal arguments and maximize the chances of success.

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