By Christy on Tuesday, 08 January 2019
Category: Uncategorized

Social security for college students who already have loans

Paying for college can be hard to afford for many, but it often becomes harder on people with disabilities. Some students with disabilities may find it difficult to afford classroom stationery's like notes, books and even for transportation to and fro from college, as the medical bills tend to take a huge toll on the budget for students with disabilities.

Adult children may receive disability on their parent's Social Security Disability Insurance provided that the child qualifies for disability in the Blue Book and the parent has earned enough work credits to be eligible for SSDI. The Social Security Administration does not prohibit you from using the disability benefits for paying for something other than medical bills for disability. Hence, the child may save or pay for college using disability benefits provided that he is under 18 years of age or 19 and totally dependent on his parents.

The Social Security Administration would not count other financial aid, grants or gifts to go to vocational college or school, so you may be able to exclude those amounts while the SSA determines the total payable benefits to you under Supplemental Security Income, SSI. The SSI benefits may be granted even after the child turns over 18 or graduates and wants to continue college. Whereas the disability benefits on parent's SSDI would stop once the child turns over 18 or completes graduation.

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