By Social Disability Lawyer on Thursday, 05 April 2018
Category: Uncategorized

What is an Administrative Law Judge?

​The majority of disability benefits claims are denied. Unfortunately, this means that if you apply for Social Security Disability benefits, there is a good chance that you are going to have to go through the appeals process. If you do, a Los Angeles disability benefits lawyer can help you. 

There are multiple steps in the appeals process, including a request for reconsideration in which your initial application is reviewed by a different disability claims examiner than the first claims examiner who denied your case. If the request for reconsideration still results in a denial of benefits, you will need to go before an administrative law judge. 

What is an Administrative Law Judge?

An administrative law judge (ALJ) is a judge who is part of the Social Security Administration. The Administrative Law Judge presides over your disability benefits hearing in which you have the opportunity to argue for why you deserve benefits. 

If the administrative law judge upholds the denial of your benefits, you'll appeal to the Social Security Administration's internal appeals board to try to make your case. If this is still unsuccessful, only then will you come before a federal judge in the next phase of appeals. A federal judge is distinct from an administrative law judge because a federal judge is not a part of the Social Security Administration. 

A Los Angeles disability benefits lawyer can help you to go through the appeals process, including making a case before the administrative law judge. Give us a call today to find out more. 

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