By Social Disability Lawyer on Tuesday, 20 March 2018
Category: Uncategorized

Should I Try to Keep Working While Applying for Disability?

If you are applying for Social Security Disability benefits, you may be worried about how you will support yourself as you wait for your application to be processed. It can take a long time to get the Social Security Administration to approve your claim for benefits, so it's natural to be worried about where your income during this interim period will come from. 

While you may want to try to continue working, unfortunately doing so could actually backfire and hurt your chances of getting benefits. If you are thinking about working while applying for Social Security Disability, you should talk with a Los Angeles disability benefits attorney before you make that decision. 

The Problem With Working and Applying for Social Security Disability

Social Security Disability benefits are supposed to be available only to people who cannot work. There are strict qualifying criteria, and one of those criteria is that you cannot be engaged in substantial gainful activity (SGA) and still qualify for benefits. 

SGA is defined as earning more than a set amount per month. In 2018, if you earn more than $1,180 per month and you're not blind, then you are considered to be engaged in substantial gainful activity. This is disqualifying and you won't be able to get benefits. 

A Los Angeles disability benefits attorney can help you to understand the types of mistakes that could jeopardize your claim for disability income and can help you to maximize the chances your application will be approved upon the first review so you can get income more quickly. To find out how an attorney can help, give us a call today. 

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