By Social Disability Lawyer on Tuesday, 08 May 2018
Category: Uncategorized

Are SSI Benefits or SSDI Benefits Larger?

When you apply for disability benefits from the Social Security Administration, a Los Angeles disability benefits attorney will help you to determine which benefits program you qualify for. There are two different benefits programs run by the Social Security Administration that could allow you to receive disability income, one of which is likely to result in a larger monthly income than the other. 

​Are SSI or SSDI Benefits Larger?

The two disability benefits programs that the Social Security Administration offers benefits through are Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI). 

SSI benefits are a flat monthly benefit available to people with limited or no income and with few assets or financial resources. The maximum monthly benefit for an individual receiving SSDI benefits is $750. SSDI benefits, on the other hand, are not means-tested and are available to anyone who meets the definition of disabled and who has earned a sufficient number of work credits to qualify. 

SSDI benefits are based on what you earned and paid into the system. For most people who have worked enough to qualify for benefits, the SSDI monthly benefit will be larger than the SSI monthly benefit.  However, you should consult with a disability benefits lawyer in Los Angeles to find out which program will maximize your monthly income and which program you are most likely to qualify for. 

A Los Angeles disability lawyer can help you to apply for either SSI or SSDI, so contact an attorney as soon as you become too disabled to work for help getting the benefits you need and deserve. 

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